Are You Feeling Heavy Emotional Energy Around You?
There’s no doubt the planetary energy is moving very fast. And that flows down into our every day life. But it’s not just that time is moving fast, it’s a feeling that you are being weighed down. It feels heavy, uncomfortable and even emotional much of the time.
Emotional energy, fast moving thoughts and feelings can be the result of a lot going on in your personal life and the world around. This is a huge contributor of a build of of heaviness and denseness. When we don’t address or take time to release, these energies can accumulate and build up and take a detrimental toll on how you live your everyday life. It can impact your manifestation goals, love life, passion, level of energy – like feeling tired, your eating habits and overall joy.
Perhaps you are experiencing…
No matter how much you do to stay on track, to keep a positive mindset, to be calm, to be let go of drama, to feel good in your body, you are all over the place and spinning your wheels, and can hardly concentrate.
It feels hard to keep up and in one moment if can all go out the window.
- Going out in public is exhausting, and although you try, you plan, you want to go. It’s just to much to do.
Your emotions are raw and on the verge of tears.
- You want to lie down and sleep.
- You want to escape.
- Trying to sit quietly in meditation can be a challenge.
You don’t want to be around people.
What can help you let go of emotional energy?
So, if you are feeling this, then good job for being in tune with yourself. Next, it’s time to make some changes. Here are some tips to help you practice self care while releasing heavy emotional energy.

I sincerely hope these ideas and resources help you. Using these tools, you can loosen and ultimately release the grip negativity or heavy energy has on you at this time. With time and regular practice, you will begin to feel much better. You in turn will manifest more joy and light loving energy around you. It feels good to be in control of your own life and destiny and to reap the rewards of your incredibly miraculous life.
Teresa Salhi
Life & Love Coach for Modern Day Women
We are evolving so quickly and yet sometimes it feels life is standing still and you are not getting what you have been working so hard for…for far too long. Complimentary, empowering, fun consult is available to you – if you would like to uncover what can help you to feeling better and back on track with your life and dreams. Let’s chat.
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