When does the turning point happen for a woman on her journey to love, success and happiness?
Often it comes in the moment of a crisis….but it doesn’t have to.
I believe the turning point is a time when she gets to meet … her other self.
So, let’s imagine today is that day for you and it is time to access the power, the wisdom and the unlimited potential that you truly have within. Your super successful woman stuff.
Now you don’t need to have every skillset, answer or solution – just the ones that you are destined to have. This other self, Your Higher self – she has the answers.
She is the wind beneath your wings. She is a fierce, determined and powerful woman that is accessing miracles.
At certain points there is effort needed to reach different levels of life success.
And there is also a point that when you have planted the right seeds – the fruits bear. The wings begin to lift you, the big break happens, you get the invite, the phone call or the email. He finds you. They find you. Love, clients, friends…all of them.
All that you have been waiting for is in front of you!
You now know that you are loved, supported and miracles are an everyday way of life.
Most women don’t know how to really take her deep, intense desires or strong emotions and turn them into a positive reality.
Most women don’t know how to take those big visions and dreams and manifest them into the real world.
But that is your work – if are ready for this turning point.
If you are ready to take your power, your desires to another level. To passionately feel into them and align with a higher vibration of knowing -and be willing to do what is necessary to manifest them into your reality.
You must be in the right head space – mindset and mentality – the one that says you cannot be defeated.
Defeat can only happen if you surrender to it. If you acquiesce to it. Yes, you have a choice – you have free will. No one says you have to live your destiny, no one is forcing you to.
If you feel yourself going down a path of defeat – that is because you have raised your hand to it.
However, you can make a new choice – it is that simple. It goes like this…
It is literally as simple as choosing success. You don’t have to know the how’s…and not even all the what’s for that matter.
You just have to know that you are NOT getting left behind. You are in NO WAY – NOT getting what you want – period. You will no longer tolerate not getting the love, the money, the career, creating the business, have time to travel, the home – whatever is is – the dream that only you can conjure up.
When you come from THAT space…defeat has nothing on you!
Yes, this can be so amazing. When you are ready – ALL the solutions, the resources the hows – they will come to you.
Now, there is one requirement to being ready – you have to REALLY WANT IT!
I don’t mean ALMOST being ready or the desperation of wanting it or wanting to be ready is not quite it. Those are not the the way to a miracle. Rather that kind of energy is exhausting and wearing you out.
But when you really want it – the answers will come – I promise you this!
Success can be a funny thing. So much for women is just about the simplest decision. To really put yourself in the game and to choose to be visible, to be heard, to choose to receive…
And choose to say, why not ME?
Yes, this is what Empower The Dream is all about. This is the woman who comes to us for support. The woman who is ready to say yes to her transition out of settling, playing small, not knowing but really ready to uplevel her career or life in some way. Ready to say Yes! If this is you darling, if you are ready to step further into being the woman you are meant to be … Please accept a complimentary empowerment session to help you align with your next steps forward so you may know exactly what it takes to get where you belong. See more here – Queen Coaching
Dream Big!
Teresa Salhi
Empower The Dream
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
Choice, oh yes, we always have it. We may not like the choices we have but we always have a choice especially when it comes to moving toward our dreams. When we realize this, we feel empowered. The key is to take time to look for the choices and then plan on how to move toward the choice.
Oh yes, Karen, it is within our belief of no choices that we limit our higher potentials.
I was really struck Teresa when you said Most women don’t know how to take those big visions and dreams and manifest them into the real world.That is so true for myself early in my career, and I continue to see it in the women I meet. We have to return to this basic foundation of empowerment if we are ever to get beyond our fears and anxieties.
Thank you for reiterating that Joyce – it is a truth that needs to be faced individually. That is so much what I too experienced and why I am passionate about helping our sisterhood overcome these blocks.
Why not me? Indeed. Coming for a place of abundance instead of desperation is so important. And it’s hard to do if you’re feeling beaten up and beaten down.
Yes, Jackie, we deserve so much more and a deep dive into self love can do so much good.
The last question maybe the most important? What do you want? What do you really really want?
Well, it will certainly be hard to know if we got it we don’t don’t know what it is! The absolute most important question and that itself will take us on the right journey.
Thanks for this inspirational post and wonderful message for women, Teresa 🙂
You are most welcome Joan.
great inspirational post. I agree that when we decide we are worth having our dream.. it will happen. I love knowing the we can create anything!
Thank you Alene. I believe the knowing is one of the most important step too.
I believe we create who we are and with a coach like you women can fulfill their potential.
Yes, yes and thank you Roslyn.
Yes, we do have to embrace the things we deserve and then take the actions to move closer to them. Thanks for your passion to support and empower other women, Teresa. I feel your sincerity and your authentic desire to be of service to women and to encourage them to put themselves first!
Thank you for your gracious comment Beverley. 🙂
We do have to make the decision that we are ready right? I keep learning about the power of saying yes.
That is wonderful Renee.
Beautiful, Teresa! I love this: “when you really want it – the answers will come.” I know this to be true. This is the journey from here to there, from dreams to creating it as our reality – how fun! How magical!
Yes, magical in deed. Thanks Reba.
Life really is all about choosing, no? And most of that is choosing where to focus. We’ll fall for sure, but getting up–not surrendering, as you say–keeps us in the game. And then the Universe can work to bring us those boons. Thanks for this reminder, Teresa!
You are most welcome Susan.
I’m getting there… thanks for the constant reminders. BTW, did you know you have two email pop ups at the same time?
Thank you for saying this, “All that you have been waiting for is in front of you!” It’s so easy for me to forget to stop and look at where I am.
Yes, I totally get that Sabrina. I find mediation helps me to get out of my head and into the moment.
While I was reading this, I kept thinking about how Beyonce has her “other self” named Sasha Fierce. I like the idea of giving a name to my other self.
I love that too!
Why not me? That’s the thinking that can turn your world around. Too often we stifle that question under layers of commitment and nurture to others, leaving our own nurturing and dreams buried. When we give ourselves the right to receive, what we need will come our way. Inspirational post, as always, Teresa.
I am all over you comment about being time to receive Tami, so right on! Thank you for being here.
I use that one too, Tami! It changes my mindset 🙂
Yes, so nice Tami. Receiving is something we don’t always allow ourselves and it’s time.
Yes I agree you do have to KNOW you deserve to be happy and successful why not? You are loving and positive and being happy has got to come your way!!
Lovely Jennifer!!
Such a powerful post Teresa! I am gradually learning to simply choose success and be open to receiving. It’s been a big shift. Why not me indeed?
Wonderful Mui, you deserve it all!