Courage. It's a big deal. It can even show up when you least expect it too. I recently discovered six new ways to embody more courage. What I really want is to be courageous in my own life and inspire you to do the same in you.
I've had courage along my journey and some times more than others. There were definitely times when fear was my go to. I hid and wallowed in self pity. You can bet I learned a heck of a lot about myself as a result. I discovered that I really had nothing to fear but my own self doubt and spent the past 15 years facing my inner demons while embracing my true capacity to be or do all that was possible.
A new level of courage came upon me many years ago when I moved across the country on a whim, leaving all my roots and some pains behind. Then there were those times I traveled abroad alone and one ended up with finding my soul mate. Yowza. That first marathon I ran (26.2 miles) in Kona while raising money for charity was a doozy! And yet running the next one took even more courage because as I learned first hand how grueling it really was.
There were the jobs that pushed me in front of international audiences and execs who were quite intimidating – and yet I held my own. I said yes to be in a documentary. Bought my own home. Practiced saying NO when it was scary and not the norm to do so. I also got better at saying YES to me and what I really wanted – now that is when you can really feel you're inner power.
As I sit here this morning and feeling a bit distraught, seeking within for another level of courage. I've heard many people talk about this and yet I never quite understood the depth of inner courage it takes until now. I realize my now is also just a beginning. The beginning of the courage it takes to deal with aging parents, death and managing their affairs for the rest of our lives.
Yes, mama is needing me now as her later life partner, my step father, just passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 62. She's in extreme depression and having many other challenges with health. To top it off her brother died a few days later. Oh, my heart has broken wide open with empathy and concern. With God's grace and guidance I will have support when I seek and listen. Which is at the backbone of the next level of courage I seek.
Six ways I am asking and choosing to align with courage during this challenging time:
- I ask for courage to be the calm and rational center as the other family members work thru challenges, as well as, processing within how best to deal with these current events.
- I ask for courage to lead as I am needed to and make the right for mama and others.
- I ask for courage to continue to say YES to me and to my husband by joyfully fulfilling our previously planned European trip – and not let this damper the plans we had for several months – which included seeing his brother after 7 years.
- I ask for courage to stay embodied with grace under pressure.
- I ask for courage to maintain and embody self respect and the utmost respect for others.
- I ask for courage to have endurance and acceptance during this difficult and often unendurable feeling time.
I had an epiphany recently.
My purpose is to support, encourage, and provide life affirming methods to help women reach their highest potentials, believe in themselves, acquire the life and /or business they desire, so t hey can make a positive impact in the world – yes and I am all over that with what I do here at Empower The Dream. My recent epiphany is the realization of this mission to help other women has prepared me to empower my own mother. To help her to regain her life and be that vibrant woman she used to be – perhaps more than ever before. Words elude me as I try to articulate this feeling but it is bubbling up inside of me and forming a new vision, one I have not seen so vividly before now.
Although I don't know the exact path this is taking, I will practice what I preach by trusting my divine guidance . I will take the actionable steps one-by-one in spite of the unknown – fearless and courageously.
And life does go on…..
Simultaneously to all of the above, I have been putting together (with my co-host-host) a Goddess Retreat Virtual Sanctuary. What a blessing it has been to bring together 7 other women (and one very special man) to be part of our Goddess Power Posse and allow them to share their gifts of making a woman life and wellbeing a priority.
Success Coach and Life Strategist for Women
Mission: To inspire you to go out in the world and make a difference in the lives you touch – because when you feel empowered you naturally inspire others; you give love freely and you receive the love you've always deserved. Isn't that what it's really all about?
Professional Bio: Teresa Salhi is a Feminine Mastery Success Coach, Law of Attraction trainer, featured in the award winning documentary, Kumare', The False Prophet, a Thrive Global contributor and published author in 365 Moments of Grace. Teresa left a 15 year successful career with teams and clients worldwide to pursue her passion of helping women close the gap from where they are to where they really want to be. She is the founder of Empower The Dream; providing thousands of women much needed resources, inspiration and useful strategies to prioritize their heartfelt dreams in their personal lives or purposeful careers.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
This post is timely. I recently was dealing with an obstacle and shared that with a friend. The reply was judging me and telling me that I was not focusing on God which continued in how much of a good Christian she was. Later that day I had the courage to not personalize that answer and to remember my favorite story in the Bible, Job. When he was grieving losing all his children and everything, his wife begged him to curse God. His friends told him that he must’ve done something to deserve that, his faith wasn’t strong enough. He focused on what mattered and in the end his joy was restored. We must have the courage to know that sometimes a storm in our lives is not lack of faith in our part.
I agree with you that courage comes in several forms. I love your demonstration of courage and empathy in your blog post. They are very encouraging to some of us.
Yes, courage can come to us in many forms. We never know what curveball life will throw at us, so it’s nice to have a little experience drawing from courage in other circumstances. It let’s us know we can do what’s needed again when called upon to do so.
Yes, you never know what the Universe will present to you when you plunge into the unknown. I am also agreeable with your support to your mother. Life is short not to connect with people who mean so much to you. Good luck!
Courage is different for everyone everyday as life presents us with new challenges. Your guide to alignment is so helpful no matter the circumstances. Thank you for being a guiding light for so many.
Hi Teresa, as someone who was with you during this difficult time with your mother, I know how strong you are. You are a Goddess Badass… seriously though, you demonstrate courage, empathy, compassion, passion and healthy boundaries and this serves to help you as you move forward in helping to lift your mother up. Much love to you.
These are awesome ways to find the courage that you need! Thanks Teresa for sharing 🙂
Sounds like a great initiative…and courage is always difficult sometimes…but so needed to learn how to stand up for yourself.
Teresa, you have certainly lived a courageous life and I know you will continue to be courageous as you help your mother in her time of need
I love the way you generalized your interactions and experiences with other women to your mother. Caring for our mothers and clearing conflict with our daughters is always a challenge. Thanks for sharing your courage!
It really does take courage to cope with the challenges life throws at us, Teresa. When we find that courage it can lead us to wonderful things. It’s great that the work you do to help women and the skills you’ve acquired, have equipped you to help your mother as well.
We need courage for so many of life’s challenges, don’t we. We find ourselves facing things we’d never have conceived of, as we go down this journey.
Sending you peace and courage to walk through this with your mother and family.
Such a great read! Thank you for the empowering message. It never gets old to be reminded to have courage!
Wonderful message Teresa. So much emphasis is placed on confidence in our society, but I’ve always believed in the value of courage. Confidence is fine, it’s wonderful in fact, but we don’t always know what we’re doing and sometimes we can’t quite make out the light at the end of the tunnel, and in those times it takes courage to move forward even though we may be scared and uncertain of what lies ahead. Thanks for the inspiration!