Every day I have a little ritual I do without fail. A 3 minute ritual. It’s my way to push reset. To get into my body. It’s one of my daily practices to create epic self-love. Inspired by Mama Gena.
It’s not the journaling, reading spiritual books, meditating, visualizing or even working out. Although I do those things too.
And it is not the kind of self-love that is a result of your hard work, how great you look, or how effective you have been — it’s the kind of self love you feel for absolutely no reason, just because.
The only way to practice this kind of self love — the turned on, lit up, legend-creating kind — is to get into that gorgeous body of yours. To feel it, to move it, to inhabit it. Your body will teach you self-love in a way that your intellect cannot.
I want to share this practice with you this week. In fact, I want you to do it with me and it only requires a few minutes – heck if you only did for 30 seconds that would be super awesome. And I promise you, if you say yes, it will make this day better.
It’s dancing.
Dance naked? Sure if you want to – why not?
Now here’s the thing: the majority of you may not want to take me up on this. You will want to stay glued to your chair, staring at your screen, reading about moving, and not moving.
I know, I know….seems a little awkward or think you dance awkward. Who cares. Being stuck in your head and not wanting to move is a perfect place to start. Awkward is the new sexy.
Just for fun, as a harmless experiment in service to your greatness, I’m going to ask you to trust me and do it anyway.
If you’re at home, crank your speakers. If you’re at work, head into the bathroom with headphones. Wherever you are, stop what you’re doing and press play. Dance with me for at least 30 seconds and see how your mood shifts.
And then share with someone you love – your sister, girlfriend, your daughter…..
Today I was spending time with a special woman and she said this was here theme song. Perfect to share, ready?
Felt good huh?
What you just did is you flooded your body with nitric oxide. Why is that important? Because nitric oxide is the antidote to cortisol, which is the stress hormone that courses through our veins when we’re in our heads, disapproving of ourselves, and hustling to get through the day.
When you dance, when you move, even for 30 seconds, you take the opportunity to shift your body chemistry just enough to point your day in a better direction.
Also, moving your body – your hips – activates a woman’s power source that resides in the center of her body. Your power source is home to your intuition, your knowing, your being –your confidence.
A dance break is like a no-fail reset button. Use it.
So I would really love to see your comments: Did you dance with me? Did you like it? Did you get to the end of this post while still sitting in your chair? Did you at least dance in your chair?
Let’s join together in celebration of our women’s bodies, and the joy of moving them.
Empowering Dreams with more Epic Self Love!
Teresa Salhi
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
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