It’s None of Your Business What They Think
Self-Confidence Is Up To You
Do you ever wonder how other perceive see you? How does their opinion affect your own self-confidence?
Most of us do wonder what others think. In fact, I’ve read that nearly 99% of all human beings wonder about that. It’s completely normal.
However, it can be detrimental to how we perceive this….because we don’t really know what others think – so we often make assumptions.
Maybe they didn’t understand a joke you made and now you worry if they think you’re weird. Or maybe you accidentally said something stupid and now you fear everyone at the party might think you’re dumb, despite all the other clever stuff that came out of your mouth earlier that evening…
It is very normal to feel insecure about this. But things are usually very different from what you think.
Maybe those people found you to be very funny, or brilliant or attractive.
If only you knew, or if only you had the self-confidence to believe in yourself and not react harshly or worse yet, dim your magnificent light because of ‘what if’s.’
The truth is – it’s really none of your business what others think about you. You cannot control their thoughts or know how their perceptions come about. And you cannot allow it to hinder your self-worth or lower your perception of yourself.
Now, believe me – I’ve had experience with this myself. Even though I’ve let go of most of those concerns, it does creep up on me from time to time.
Our feeling of self-confidence or worthiness must come from within first. If we depend on the thoughts, feelings of others to control us – then we are continually putting our life’s creation in their hands!
Think of it like this:
Instead of trying so hard to be the object of their love, their admiration, their definition of who you are….
Why not BE the source of love, adoring yourself and defining who you are first.
And then showing up as that person with more:
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Acceptance.
- Inner peace.
- Self-Worth.
- Non-judgmental
- Fearless.
- Trusting.
- Empowered.
You can begin by crashing through your own doubts and fears by giving yourself credit for all the amazing things you’ve done.
- Recognizing your unique gifts.
- Loving the body that loves you everyday and breathes life through without you even asking for it.
The Universe has a way of bringing you the love, the life, the experiences the abundance and joy that you crave when you decide to own your worthiness.
It cannot not come to you when you believe in you.
- When you are in love with you – you attract more love into your life.
- When you believe you have the ability to do anything – you attract opportunities to help you learn.
- When you allow yourself to have fun today – you attract more and more joy.
- When you stop judging yourself so harshly – so do others.
- When you do your best – others see it – and help you.
- When you face your fears are inner demons – they diminish. They turn into rewards, accomplishments and celebrations!
So many times in my past I didn’t do, say, act, dress or go someplace because I was afraid I wasn’t worthy somehow – or that I would be judged in a negative way.
All I was really doing was limiting myself based on my OWN thoughts – not theirs. I was creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of what I didn’t want. Holy Crap!
But I’ve changed. I make myself do it. I go. I speak. I even make mistakes. Alot of them. But you know what? I have learned a hell of lot more, accomplished amazing things and I am proud of myself now more than ever.
How can you begin today to see your value? To create your dreams based on an inner power instead of an outer illusion?
Take time to re-discover you. Look within and become friends with all of you, your heart, your gifts, your journey, your accomplishments, your beautiful personality that you are desiring to share with others.
And when you meet a potential new friend, or lover, or meet a potential client or go on a special job interview – you won’t feel so insecure.
Because you know your strengths and you are overcoming your weaknesses.
And it will make your life so much easier.
Dream big darling!
Teresa Salhi
If you are feeling an inner tug and know it is time to crash thru some fears and to step into your greatness, to be the full expression of you –
I invite you to go on a journey with me. Together we can reclaim your self-confidence, your true worth so you can really do what you long to and embrace a new era of you.
I help women to be queens in their own life…see more here
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