No More Miss Nice and Ordinary…Hello Miss Sassy, Confident Me!
Good bye drama. Good bye blame
So long stress. So long guilt
Take a hike sour puss
Be gone fears that STOP me from being me
I'm not looking at Ms. Compare and saying "I'm not good enough"
No more to playing small. No more to not allowing myself to play at all.
Waving goodbye to people pleasing
Adios to negative thoughts and dream killers.
Go away boring, safe, ordinary-ness that separates me from my Sassy-ness
Hello Gorgeous – I love you
Welcome back Ms. Confident, Sexy, Soulful Woman
I'm listening dear inspiration and desire
Cheers to Joy and Bliss
Hello to playfulness I had in my youth.
I've missed you graceful Goddess
Come on in Love and Peaceful moments
Thank you eyes for seeing the my Light.. and theirs
I am alive with Spirit and on fire with Sass
I'm Determined to fly with lifted wings
I will soar either with you or solo –
And for sure, I will revel in every juicy moment of my Life!
Dream Big!
Here's to Your Blissful Woman Life!
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