We watched a couple of older movies this week, Evan Almighty and Shrek. My husband is a huge fan of the Shrek movies, he enjoys the message of love and how Shrek overcomes his fear of it by taking action for love – for true love’s kiss. Yes, hubby says he’s my Shrek but I see him as a King.
He also likes, Jim Carey who plays in Evan Almighty. Here is a quote from Evan Almighty, it relates to today’s article.
“Let me ask you something,” God says. “If someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience? Or the opportunity to be patient? If someone prays for courage, does God give them courage or the opportunity to be courageous? And if someone prays for their family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or gives them the opportunity to love each other?”
When you seek to manifest something in your life, it’s extremely valuable to notice the opportunities that come your way.
If you’re seeking courage, such as in the line from Evan Almighty, then you might just find yourself in some situations that require you to act courageous. That doesn’t mean that you’ll magically ‘have no fear’ but rather that you learn to move past that fear and do what you need to do.
The same is true when you’re seeking more love in your life – for singles or married couples or those seeking connection to others that is not of the romantic nature. Most of us have this desire and it is worth giving attention.
The Shrek movies illustrate what would or would not happen based on whether Shrek chose to live with his fear of being unlovable or if he chose to take the actions that the Universe was orchestrating to find his true love. Because Shrek took actions toward overcoming the fear of being lovable and he believed in True Loves Kiss, he kept going and overcoming many obstacles until he was united with Princess Fiona. There are some very powerful scenes in this movie that will inspire and reinforce the power of love. My husband likes to tease me and say we are like Shrek and Fiona. Hmm… (ok, but maybe not the ogre part)
Do you imagine that the Universe will place your perfect partner on your doorstep with a sign that says “This one’s for you!”? Probably not. Nor will it send you an email to tell you that Mr. or Ms. Right will be at the local mixer on Friday night.
What will happen, however, is new opportunities will present themselves so you can achieve your goals and dreams. Depending on whether you recognize these opportunities and act on them, you’ll be one step closer to turning your dreams into your reality.
This may sound obvious on the surface, but the truth is, many of us go through life ignoring and even complaining about the opportunities we’re given. Most of the time, our disappointment is often the result of our own expectations and requirements of how they must show up.
Often, we don’t act on the opportunities because we simply don’t see them. As silly as it might sound, we are often just waiting for that big bellowing voice of God to say HERE IT IS!
It makes sense then, as we learn to change this behavior we can take advantage of all that the Universe has to offer.
But how do you spot those opportunities? And more importantly, which ones do you take?
Fortunately, we are equipped with a very precise and finely tuned honing device that illuminates our path anytime we need it. This honing device; also known as Spirit, Source or Inner Guidance, is your personal GPS to Life and everything in it. This is also what we refer to as our intuition.
Where we sometimes stumble is when we confuse this divine guidance with our preconceived notion of how things are supposed to show up. We are wanting things to happen but we often have expectations on how they are supposed to happen.
Unfortunately, what often happens is a missed opportunity to let love in.
Perhaps we want something that looks spectacular. You may have heard of the story about the old man lost at sea. The story unfolded with him dismissing two opportunities of rescue – a boat and a helicopter. Perhaps he was expecting something more grand, like God to reach down and scoop him up and carry him to dry land. Now that would have been spectacular and a miracle for sure, instead of looking like just another coincidental rescue from a boat.
But you and I both know that there are no real coincidences. Instead, that IS exactly what the Law of Attraction is about.
Think about it, oftentimes when you need something – there it is. That’s more than a random chance, it’s actually the Universe looking out for you. I also believe that sometimes, the ‘something’ that you most need isn’t always tangible but rather a message to hear or a feeling to experience. Little signs might show up in the form of an unexpected phone call, an email you wouldn’t normally open, or even a conversation with someone in the grocery store line about an event that you could attend.
Regardless of how the message arrives, the fact that it has crossed your path should be enough to warrant notice and this is where many of us ‘miss’ the signs and in hindsight, I’ve noticed where I too have missed opportunities.
I have come to learn that the Universe isn’t an ‘in-your-face’ kind of communicator but more so delivers the message in a natural occurrence or a whisper rather than a rocket.
The Universe is gentle but persistent and will keep delivering us guidance until we get it.
The more open you are to these messages, the more clear they will become and the question then becomes, what do you do with the opportunities in front of you.
Some of the opportunities may not be exactly what you had in mind while others are right on target, but the really exciting thing is the Universe presents opportunities that it will adjust as you do.
What I mean by that is, we must realize that to get from where we are – to where we want to be – we must ‘travel’ that distance. We can become millionaires but we need to actually do something that will help us to create the millions. We can change careers and have the job of our dreams but we might want to expand our knowledge or attend that dinner party instead of sitting in front of the tv, you never know who just might be there.
If you want to manifest a new love in your life, you first need to build a relationship with someone before that love can blossom. That can look like taking steps to developing yourself or modifying our lifestyle so that we are ready for the relationship when it shows up.
It also requires noticing where we are blocking it love so we can transform. That’s what we are doing in the Let Love In 5 Day Challenge. Single ladies, jump over here to join us.
To turn our dreams into reality is about listening and moving with the guidance we are given – all precise directions to get us from where we are to where we want to go. That’s why the people you need to meet or the events you need to experience seem to just fall into your lap along the way.
The truth is, you are perfectly designed. If you want something different, you can have it. Dance the dance and pay attention to the steps the Universe presents to you.
Personal story where I listened and was lead to my soulmate.
I always wanted to go to Africa as a young girl and a few years ago I acquired a very deep urge to go now. I thought it was to be part of a charitable organization servicing African children.
Before long, a friend from London and I planned to go to Tunisia. We began using travel vacations every few years as our way to see each other, so Tunisia was our way to vacation, to ‘check it out.’ and to ask the embassy about the organizations. It was quite an ordeal to plan this trip, as you can imagine. A few days before we were scheduled to leave, my friend’s mate became extremely ill, and had to cancel. Well, my intuition said to go ahead on my own, however, I was a bit scared to go alone. A few interesting things happened that lead up to my final decision to go and ….ultimately a really BIG thing happened.
I listened and I overcame my fear which lead me to meeting the love of my life, my now husband, Riad. Yes, he was there in Tunisia! This probably would not have happened if my friend and I traveled together, certainly wouldn’t have happened if I cancelled too. You see, unrelated to the the trip to Africa, I was open to finding new love; true loves kiss, as Shrek would say (and so would Riad).
I didn’t expect this to be how it would happen but I was following my internal guidance that said, ‘go.’ The Universe surprised me with a great experience! Oh, and about the desire to serve African children? Riad did take me to the embassy in Tunisia. Also, this desire is the reason why I named my business Empower The Dream. When we give to ourselves, we have more to give to others – empowering within helps to empower out there in the world. In the near future, I will offer ways to support charity organizations that service the children and women of Africa.
So go ahead, try something new. Venture outside your comfort zone and open yourself up to the possibilities. Instead of approaching things from a “this will work, that won’t” state of mind, try saying “let’s see what happens…”
And then watch in amazement as your dreams begin to unfold!
P.S. Single and wanting to find your soulmate – Check out LET LOVE IN – FREE
Dream Big!
Teresa Salhi
Teresa is an Feminine Genius & Relationship Coach and founder of Empower The Dream.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
When you think about it, that’s got to be the right asnwer.
Thank you for your comments Tangie! Be sure and get the free report on the home page or free videos on the relationship page if you interested! Dream Big! Teresa