What Purpose Does Life Want For You?
As I began to ask myself recently about my purpose, it didn’t take long to start getting some answers. I noticed a difference from a few years ago when I felt I couldn’t decipher or understand the thoughts I was having at that time. Maybe you can relate.
[bctt tweet=”Our purpose or calling of Life is no longer whispering politely in our quiet contemplative, reflective moments. ” username=”Teresa_Salhi”]
Rather it is coming through loud and clear, shaking us up and demanding that we begin taking actions on the deeper desires we hold within that seem to come from our soul. It’s time to create the things that are life advancing, bring deeper connections of well being into our own lives and our world. And if we turn away or ignore it’s voice, we often times become neurotic, anxious, and even depressed. I’ve felt some of this along the way including feeling afraid to step out of my comfort zone.
However, I could no longer deny my intuition and deeper desires, neither should you.
We cannot simply live the lives others expect of us. We can no longer avoid taking risks. We cannot pretend it’s merely an option to realize our potentials. We must, for the sake of spirit, our loved ones and our world. Our wake up call is loud and clear and it’s time to get it.
Many of us are re-organizing our entire lives to align with that which is most true, most noble, most beautiful and most meaningful. And while it is scary, it is also exciting to feel some sense of meaning moves us toward a deeper knowing and purpose fulfillment. We intuitively know we are stepping up to be a part of something so much larger than our own little lives, that we are being given the opportunity to participate in the birth of something brand new – intuitively we know that it is an extraordinary time to be a woman in the world, particularly a western woman, and that we cannot miss this grand opportunity, even though it may frighten us to let go and surrender ourselves in this way.
Sometimes our bad days are actually steering us somewhere good – and trying to tell us something we need hear. Usually it is that we are off course, missing the mark, or we’re not inside of a big enough game, or that we’re settling for a life that is too sensible, too safe, and too small.
For all this and more, I created Empower The Dream – helping big dreamin’ women to reach their greatest potential and the purpose they are called for – stepping out of fear and into greatness.
What are you called to do? There is an answer for you, I promise!
It’s time to go for it!!
*** I am here to guide and support your process too. I’m honored to support many woman move forward on living the life they deeply desire, creating the business they are inspired to have ….. and making a difference. Know that you can have this too! Testimonies.
Please contact me if you would like to see how we can work together and help you reach your greater potential!
Teresa Salhi
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
I really understand the feeling of being pulled in a certain direction and the consequences of ignoring the pull. Many people think I’m crazy to add writing and a blog to my to do list when I already have a job and many family commitments but I make it work to avoid those feelings of anxiety and depression you mentioned, when you don’t honour your passion.Your posts are so inspiring.:)
Wonderful post Teresa! Find our purpose and focus on it 🙂
Great piece, Teresa. What I’m discovering is that I may need to change my business focus so it can support my passion…since my passion doesn’t seem to be generating the income I want. However, I am not giving up! xxoo
My biggest challenge is that I have more than one calling and passion. All of them are interlinked by my desire to share information and to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and look at things in their life differently. I believe that is what you are doing too, Teresa. Not all people find their true calling until later in life, or are not able to live it fully until they work through other areas of their lives that need to be “worked” through. Thanks for always encouraging us to take a deeper look and to follow our unique calling. The process of uncovering is, I believe, part of our human journey.
Teresa – I think your statement that ignoring our calling will leave us neurotic, anxious, and depressed is right on. I can only pursue my dream of becoming a full-time author on a part-time basis. Because I have to work full time, I often put my writing on the back burner, rationalizing that i don’t have time for something that doesn’t pay the rent. However, NOT writing is like not exercising – either endeavor might not pay the rent, but the rent won’t get paid if I get run down by not taking care of myself.
I know it is crazy how we are being pulled, pushed and shoved toward what is meant for us. It’s time to trust and allow that passion and purpose to unfold, huh?
Teresa, thank you for telling about your journey. I’ve changed courses quite a few times in my life, sometimes out of necessity and sometimes out of bold choice. We should all live our dreams and you are doing it beautifully, dear friend.
So lovely to see your comments, Beth, thank you.
I was in your shoes about 10 years ago when I couldn’t stand being retired. I didn’t want to turn my past experience toward consulting or coaching, but didn’t know what I wanted either. A chance class opened a door to a hidden talent that became a passion. I followed it and 8 years later I don’t recognize myself. It is wonderful that you are guiding women to fulfil their dream and that you are fulfilling your own.
What an inspiration you are Roslyn. So many lifetimes we can live and they can be different….perhaps all the years before were leading up to your thriving now.
I agree, Teresa. We need to listen to our intuition. It will give us the guidance we need to make things happen in our lives. Thanks for the reminder.
You bet Sabrina, thank you for being here.
I love this, Teresa! Isn’t it so true, especially if we’ve ignored that voice, that it’s no longer whispering but banging to be heard. I’ve just had another round of this, and just, again, reorganized my life. My fiction was taking a back seat, and when that happens, I’m off-kilter in all areas of my life. I go a bit insane, actually. So, I’ve just put that back on the table as priority one. Ah, the relief! And then the joy 🙂
I get it too Susan. I think our work is to let go sooner…
I’ve come to learn that stepping out of my comfort zone is a necessary opportunity that I need to take advantage of more frequently. I believe that as women we can use our intuition more often when making decisions and be happier as a result. Fear is definitely a barrier to success, and I’m all for smashing down walls that hold us back. Very empowering article Teresa.
I am with you on smashing down walls Meghan – we are meant for more girlfriend!
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