We can often learn more about ourselves and life – even when we think we’ve learned all we need in a certain area.
Do we ever really reach our highest potential? Yes, it’s a rhetorical question.
I’m talking to my peers and sisterhood community here. What I’ve experienced is our expanded learning comes from a deeper awareness of our experiences and a willingness to expand our level of personal potential. That’s how it happens for me anyway.
I’m a sponge for self-growth. It’s been my ‘thing’ for a long time now. It leads me to my passion for serving other women in their journey of personal success potential, feminine power, and life legacy. It’s what lead me to serve women around the world as a feminine genius, love, and life coach.
I used to wonder if I would ever be done learning. But not anymore. I’ve come to the conclusion we are never really done. Rather, we have new experiences lending us a deeper perspective to ourselves that we wouldn’t have had until we took the first step of our growth. In other words, we build upon our potential.
This past couple of years I’ve been learning more about myself through my mother.
Interesting to me because I spent the better part of my adult life learning and unlearning what I witnessed from my mom and her life journey. At least to the point when I was consciously aware enough to decide I no longer wanted to do that.
Now, as she is in her latter years and living in my home with her, unfortunate, state of dementia progression.
Life keeps hitting me–hard–to the point where some days I struggle to make it all happen. At least that’s how it feels to me. Because I am a woman who can make shit happen. I pride myself in being a leader not only for myself, my family, but other women too.
However, I’ve caught myself having days with the sole intention to simply STAY CALM. Not to complete a to-do list. Not to be a better person. Not to further my work in the world. Just to calmly survive and thrive.
No matter how challenged I felt to do more each day, as long as I choose to remain calm, I succeeded.
I’m no stranger to feelings of anxiety. It runs in my family, mom has had it for quite some time and mostly in these later years. My research has indicated how anxiety impacts the brain and can lead to various forms of dementia.
If you take only one thing away from reading this, please take away the message to keep your brain healthy, calm, and ‘active’ in the right ways. Stressing and causing yourself anxiety about doing more than one woman can handle is not what I mean.
I now witness mom’s moods change. Like seeing the ominous storm clouds moving over the foothills outside the windows before a thunderstorm, I can feel the flat heaviness of her inner war coming towards me.
At the same time, I’m grateful that I’ve cultivated a strong support system to lean on. I know having support isn’t the case for everyone and I don’t take these things for granted.
I’ve also come to appreciate my life lessons from mama, even when I thought I learned them all. As she continues to be my mirror. I continue to uplevel myself and take forward my passionate work in the world …
...to support other women as they once and for all banish their unknown barriers of personal success or
…to overcome their deep-rooted, familiar, and feeling-like-a-failure, unconscious habits.
It has all taught me deeper levels of resilience and humanity.
- To let go of what is really not important and to loosen reigns of control.
- To be strong enough to keep getting up each day, no matter what I was thinking or feeling–or how I looked (all big ones for us women).
- To not lower my standards for who or how I need to be in order to show up.
- To redefine and deepen my commitment–to me, my purpose, and life.
- To remember, no matter how many times I think I fail or fall down, I am not a failure.
*****The only reason why I learned these lessons was because I knew that they were mine to learn! It’s in my personal journey to reach my highest potential! I’m pretty sure you get what I mean.
This, my dear sister, is the birthplace of powerful, feminine leadership.
It comes from the intimate dialogue with your innermost being as you learn to midwife yourself through life’s impasses.
When we hit our lower limits– inner and outer– is when we’re mostly going to want to lean on the advice of “others.” But, as I recently heard a wise person say, “Advice is the devil.”
And I would have to agree. Why? Because advice often comes from their perspective. Or them not wanting to say things they think you cannot handle. Hmm.
Leadership comes from taking refuge in your inner wisdom. It asks us to source guidance from ourselves, and then to trust the path we’re shown.
Unfortunately, this approach is the exact opposite of the one we’ve been encouraged to follow our whole lives.
This is my work at Empower The Dream. Not only with other women but on myself too, each and every step of the way.
Would you like to have a private, complimentary, and empowering chat about how to reach your higher potential? This will help you to overcome feeling stuck, eliminate self-sabotage, put you in the alignment of purpose, love, and greater life success…and most of all help you to align into your powerful feminine energy.
Teresa Salhi
Founder of Empower The Dream
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
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