The Wounded Traits of Masculine and Feminine.
Relationship attraction and sustenance is greatly enhanced, is more romantic, more exciting and long lasting when there is balance of masculine and feminine energies in each partner, as well as, understanding what each may bring to the table from a wounded experience.
When we truly understand this – we can exponentially expand our own awareness, do the necessary inner work, practice forgiveness, exude compassion and effectively + authentically handle the ups and downs of relationship dynamics.
Take a look at the chart and really absorb without judgment the various energies that we all can embody at various times. This is more than a physical body of male or female trait guidance. Although the male or female in most cases (and definitely not the rule) demonstrate that of our gender, however, let it be fully understood that we are optimal when we ebb and flow between both.
We also create our most precious, magnetizing, sensual, exciting and ease in relationships when only one partner is in the masculine or feminine role at a given time.
When both partners are in the same energy, the majority of time, it often leads to loss of sexual desire, moving into a friendship zone or showing up more as competitors on in a combative zone. This is why balance and awareness are key to harmony, long term excitement and handling day-to- day life with ease.
Take time to lean into this and review your experiences. Not from judgment or blame, but from an learning and growth perspective.
- What traits are you most dominant: at work or within a relationship?
- When you’ve felt wounded from a relationship, regardless of circumstance, do you see the other persons traits (at that time) the same as yours or opposite?
- What can you learn from this deep look?
Would you like to explore further? I’m Teresa Salhi, feminine relationship coach. I welcome an opportunity to help you uncover truths and a way forward into your most exciting relationship, even if you have already loved and lost, feel unworthy, or untrusting of the opposite sex. Let’s talk about this and find a way to your most precious life.
You may book a complimentary, no strings attached, phone chat to dig thru some key concerns and questions. Go here.
Download a complimentary guide and discover secrets other women know about how to attract a quality m an AND be confident in her authentic feminine genius. CLICK HERE.

Here’s being your best, living your best life and with the one you love.

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