4 Causes of Stress in Regards to Relationships – is based on a recent survey of 1000 people conducted by online therapy service.
1. Uncertainty about the future.
2. Arguments and disagreements.
3. Lack of effort from the other person.
4. Feeling misunderstood.
These are relative if you are single or married. Every one of these can cause a woman to feel various levels of stress, disconnection from her feminine power, disruption of confidence, and even illness.
When you top those with stress from work, finances, family, etc…it can be quite a load to endure. It becomes a vicious cycle that impacts relationships even more.
If you are in a relationship and facing these scenarios – it can feel like you are stuck in a loop of miscommunications, blame – trying not to blame, wanting so much to be understood without feeling as if you are completely giving your power away and ‘giving in’ or various other forms of crying and frustration.
If you are single and facing any of these scenarios in the dating world, online dating, or even at work – it’s likely making you hate wanting a relationship and then hate being alone too. Another vicious cycle.

What I’ve learned working with many women and even from my own lie experiences is….
Working on the relationship FIRST isn’t always the answer. The same goes for her career, etc.
Stress is what I have found to be what has to be addressed first.
You see, these scenarios exacerbate stress but it is usually not the only cause unless it is just chronic and going on for a very long time.
When I teach women about feminine energy and how their lifestyle may have pushed them away from it – and from connection with the opposite sex. She learns how to get back in her groove, it helps so much in her sense of well-being, feeling attractive again and more confident. She reconnects easier to the man in her life or dating becomes fun again. Woop! Woop!
But sometimes, she can’t get there…
There’s too much other disconnection happening in her nervous system, or immune system or endocrine system. These all need to be in balance and work together to create well-being and a healthy body.
It’s the personal care thing, right? Sure is and at a level that is more holistic.
A MIND, BODY, And yes SPIRIT too — integration. It’s a multi-pronged approach rather than just take a yoga class, or meditate or eat cleaner. Now those are all perfectly necessary in my book and I personally do all but the missing link is working on the receptors in the body all at the same time.
Taking a pill for anxiety or stress is likely causing more harm. Pharmaceuticals have so many side effects-they only address 1 thing without regard to whole-body systems.
When we can take a part of nature and wholly address the receptors in our immune system AND nervous system at the same time AND not cause harm to another – now we are onto something.
Nature has an answer that simulates our body’s receptors. It doesn’t make you high AND it is helping bring on natural wellness to our WHOLE BODY SYSTEMS.
It’s CBD oil.
Like anything – it’s vital to avoid imposters of natural medicine makers that could be using butane or harmful extractions.
Get the best — get the one with the HEMP Authority certification.
So you see, it’s not your fault if you are having stressing challenges in your relationships or lack thereof. It’s not your fault if you are still feeling such a disconnection to yourself and your happiness.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
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