Are you a woman entrepreneur hoping to share an idea, opportunity or something of great value? If so, you will likely resonate with this. How many times have you heard, "No, thank you?"
- Or, I don't think it's for me.
- Or, I cannot afford it right now.
- Or, I will let you know.
- Or worst yet, I will give it a try on my own first – I am not ready to jump with anyone else yet.
Those can be the most frustrating responses we hear, primarily because we know that it’s inherently false. So what’s really going on?
What's Really Going On
Usually, what’s beneath this is shame. Many women have a belief that they should be able to figure it out on their own and feel shame that they’re not further along. There’s a sense of needing to prove something to oneself or to others. And this completely takes women out of their Creative Power. In addition, this thinking is essentially false, for 3 reasons:
What is it that you really need to create success in your business? Here are 3 ideas that will help you move forward immediately as a successful woman entrepreneur.
I am here to help you. Let me share with you how together we can get you out of the struggle, doing it alone, hearing to many excuses, feeling powerless and not fulfilling your dreams……
See more here.
Teresa Salhi
Empower The Dream
"I can't even begin to express how much Teresa helped to guide, coach and encourage me over the last few months. She not only helped me get over fears and obstacles, but her coaching and guidance led me to discover my true passion and start a new business. This is by far, one of the best investments I have ever made. " Christine
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Just the reminder I needed. So much isolation in trying to run an online business! Thanks, Teresa!
Yes – I am a reformed do it all on my own type, making every effort to co-create with Source and with other human beings, aka, source in human bodies. I have to say it’s not always easy, but I so agree with you that it is necessary! Great post, Teresa.
Yes I agree with you, we all need a mentor- a sounding board and then we have to remember to use them 🙂 As someone who in the past thought I could do it solo and proud of it i know value my mastermind, my groups and the support i have along with a mentor xxx
Having a mentor or coach who has been where you are and now where you want to be is definitely an asset. The reality is that almost everything that we as mentors and coaches teach can be found online in various places. The difference is we show how to apply the information, it’s not just theory, and we guide clients through the steps to get to where they want to be with accountability. Is it possible for individuals to do it themselves? Yes. But it takes so much longer and wastes so much time to make the mistakes and recover from them as you alluded to, Teresa. Very informative post.
Love you comments Yvonne, thanks for sharing your wisdom.
I have a few groups/people I use for support… I do fall into the trap of thinking I can do it all myself, tho… It never works out well!
We are most powerful when surrounded by a loving support system. It’s never wrong to try on on our own as we’ve learned along that we have to be superwoman. Then we learn otherwise…
You take such a powerful position Teresa to lift the veil for women. The message of shame is one many women will not want to admit to. Nothing like an entrepreneurial business to make you understand who you are and the potential you have.
What a powerful and enlightening way to put it Joyce.
Shame, huh? That’s an interesting point. Could very well be. I think it’s also a lack of self-esteem — the notion that they’re not worth the investment, Because it is an investment…in themselves and their business. When people tell me they can’t afford it, I ask them, “If you were able to achieve your goal, would it be worth it to you?”
Great question!
When I switched my business from live shows to online I thought I could learn it all on my own and struggled with it. The best thing I did was to hire a coach who was at first my web designer/SEO expert and ultimately became our coach.
I do wonder why someone who sees our jewelry posts and writes lovely, or I have the perfect top, doesn’t make the purchase. Perhaps not some of the reasons you listed, so occasionally I’ve asked. Often it is; I love your jewelry but don’t wear much jewelry any more, have enough, someone close to me makes jewelry & i am uncomfortable buying elsewhere, need to earn more before I treat myself, must try it on. These are some of the verbal reasons. Don’t know if any are subconsious ones. What do you think when it comes to jewelry purchases?
A few months into my health coaching business I realized this truth, so I friend, aromatherapist, and I started a Holistic Practitioner Alliance to meet to support each other. These women are invaluable to me. Everyone needs some time of support.
That is a wonderful example and support system!
Awesome post Teresa!! It is so difficult to be an entrepreneur alone…..having a community of like-minded people and a mentor to help you is so important to having more success quicker 🙂 Great share!
Yes of course, Joan!
Interesting perspective in this post, Teresa. I think there are many unconscious ‘reasons’ we stop ourselves from the very things we want. I am not sure about “the subconscious likes to masquerade as intuition”. I’d love to hear what is behind that for you, as for me intuition is a knowing. A sudden burst of pure true insight, so I don’t see how the subconscious masquerades as if it is intuition. Maybe I am missing something. 🙂 Yes, having a mentor and being part of a team or community is so very important for all of us. At different times in our lives, different people show up who are perfect for what we need in that moment.
I had never thought about the reason that people don’t ask for help is shame – but I think you’re on to something. People do think they should be able to master things on their own. 2nd fiddle to this is the idea that, I think, for college educated women, it’s hard to think that after 4-8 years of college, they’d rely heavily on a “coach” of any sort who’s had a few months of training. Yet, Oprah has followed weight-loss coaches, Michael Jackson had the brains to listen to choreographers, etc!
Now that is interesting. Seems like assumptions is what cause a lot of challenges too.
Having a mentor is so important. How lonely to try and go it alone. Love how you described us as “all part of the fabric of life”.
Thank you Tami. I hope you have found your ideal mentor. I am here to support your journey if not and help you to weave a fabric that is exactly as you envision it to be.
Your post about the subconscious masquerading as intuition really resonated with me. When really it was discomfort with the “new” process. Yes – going it alone is hard. Having an enlightened partner to show you the way is a much better option. Thanks Teresa.
I love how you uncovered your answers as a discomfort and therefore realize you can keep going and overcome it.
We so need people we can trust to bounce things off of, Teresa. The false thinking really is key, especially, “The subconscious likes to masquerade as intuition.” So very true! Sometimes that’s difficult to sort out, and a trusted mentor/adviser/friend makes all the difference in the world. Love this!
Since becoming a full-time entrepreneur, I’ve discovered that having a community and a few important buddies have improved my outlook and my output. In the beginning, it was fairly lonely! Mentors can definitely be an awesome asset too.
Yes, we are meant to be in community with others – why else are there so many of us?