Toxic relationship: make it or break it?
Coming to terms with the fact that you are in a toxic relationship is the first and most important step in redefining you as a couple. As every relationship is unique, the levels and amount of toxicity are different. This is why not every relationship can be transformed into a healthy one. Thus, for some couples, the acceptances will be the beginning of healing, but for others, it will be a road to a realization that the relationship needs to end.
In either way, before you can clearly see if there is anything worth saving, you should try the following tips. It is a difficult journey, but the one you will need to take to ensure your long-term happiness.
Communication is the key
The main problem of most relationship is the lack of communication. Though you and your partner may be talking about everything and anything, you may not be communicating effectively.
Also, after some time has passed, both of you might need to share your new wishes for your present and future life together. An honest, open dialogue will allow both parties to be heard and to rewrite the ground rules.
Opening up and admitting your feelings is never easy, but it might be just the thing. Properly identifying the issues eating up your relationship will allow you to address them and, hopefully, eliminate them from your life.
Get to know yourself again
In addition to recreating the communication channel between yourself and your partner, you also need to redefine who you are. Find more time for yourself, for your hobbies and passions. Only after you realize what you need to be truly happy, can you expect to communicate your needs to your significant other?
Your romantic relationship isn’t the only social connection you need to worry about. Toxicity might have damaged your relationships with your friends, family and even your co-workers.
It might take a while, even some distance from your partner, but once you clarify who you really are, on your own and in relation to other people in your life, can you address the issues in your relationship.
Consider professional help
Though communication and self-realization are important assets in helping a toxic relationship, there are times when you should ask for some professional help. Teresa Salhi is a Feminine Genius & Relationship Coach here at Empower The Dream. A time complimentary consultation is offered. Book appointment here.
As two makes a couple, you might want to consider family mediation services Sydney couples are increasingly opting for. Though you might be unwilling to try, keep in mind that the mediator’s outside perspective can give you both a fresh view on your relationship.
Know when to say ‘enough is enough’
Not all relationships are made to last. So, even if you try your best, try to communicate, work on yourself and even seek out professional assistance, it is possible that there is still no progress. Healing needs time, but if there isn’t enough effort on both part, no quantity of time can help.
It is important to fight for what matters to you, but you also need to allow yourself to see if there is nothing left to save.
Perhaps, your partner doesn’t want to change or maybe you simply can’t forgive and forget. Whatever the case, the mature and the healthiest step is to say goodbye if there is nothing more to say.
Ending a relationship is always hard, even if it’s the right thing to do. For most, you might be able to separate in a relatively normal manner, perhaps not as friends but not as enemies neither.
However, there are also relationships in which leaving can trigger much more than emotional problems. This is particular for couples in which toxicity presents itself in mental or physical abuse. In this case, it is crucial to have the support of your friends and family, but also the police.
After you leave, you won’t feel liberated, not just yet. It’s a realization which comes with time. A toxic relationship always leaves its marks, but the marks can fade and become a sort of reminders or warnings in your next romantic connections.
No two couples are the same and so no two toxic relationships can be equal. Communication and identity are the main components that need to be repaired and reclaimed so as for a relationship to be considered a healthy one.
The key point is that you both want to change and that you are open to it. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. However, you should also be prepared to end the relationship, if you come to a conclusion that your relationship dynamics simply cannot change.
Audrey Taylor is a blogger for Empower The Dream.
Hi, I’m Teresa Salhi, founder of Empower The Dream + Feminine Genius & Relationship Coach. Are you looking for an available, high quality man? Do you want to finally meet the right man – a man that adores only you? Would like to discover secrets to long lasting love, being a woman that men are magnetically attracted to, even if you feel this has not been your previous experience?
I help women to be the embodied in their feminine genius and to experience the intimate relationship they most desire. Not only can you meet your ideal partner, your soulmate, but you will can also see positive improvements every aspect of you life. Yes, it’s that good. If you are ready to make your love life a priority and get off the ‘someday’ rollercoaster and get to experience real love, book a complimentary Discover Love call and allow me to share my unique process with you so you can receive the love you deserve. Go here to schedule complimentary, casual and empower chat with me. Here’s love, Teresa
Check out my I Am Power of She Facebook Relationship Group too.
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