Have you found your "soul mate"? Our soul mate is often referred to as the perfect romantic partner who ''gets'' you like no other person does or breathes life's rhythm with you or as Phoebe referred to, (on an episode of the TV series, Friends), as "your lobster."' Apparently, when lobsters find their mate, they link their claws together and never let go. Very sweet.
What i we could look at this soul mate term in a new way and perhaps even take some The one that meets all the criteria we've heard so much about.
Instead, what if we looked at that term from another perspective. What if we thought of soul mate, not someone else or outside of us, but the person within.
In other words, our soul mate is the meeting of our soul and self.
We spend of much of our time waiting and searching for someone else to fill us up and love us that we forget how much love we all already have inside that is patiently waiting to be released. We could find that missing piece if we turn inward and remember how special and beautiful we are in our core.
More often, we forget how to release this natural gift of connecting with our own joy.
What often happens is we give our power away and wait for someone else to define us. We allow ourselves to only be seen through another persons 'eyes', and eventually, forget what we look like through our own.
Why is this, how come we trust another persons perspective of our value more than our own? If another says we are unworthy are we going to trust that perspective too? Unfortunately, that does happen.
There's an unspoken pressure to find our missing half in another person which also suggests we are not a complete person without them. We find ourselves on an endless journey to find them so we can become whole.
In some ways, I believe this allows us to ignore our true potential and avoid taking responsibility for our own love and happiness. I also realize we may be doing this unintentionally but perhaps it's time to look a little closer and shine some light on what is really happening.
While we are on the quest to find our soul mate out there, are we missing something just as wonderful right under our nose. We miss a huge opportunity to learn, accept and love ourselves. This is also part of the feminine presence awareness too.
Sometimes, we will accept another for who they are but we rarely will give ourselves such grace. We tend to pick ourselves apart as 'good' or 'bad' and have these labels attached to our body parts and personality parts.
I doubt if we will ever really be able to love ourselves until we acknowledge all of our own different aspects with more compassion rather than judgment.
Now, I still believe we can have a soul mate out there too. I believe we can have different variations of soul mates—some being people who touch us profoundly and understand us deeply.
If we make a strong connection with ourselves, we will be able to live from a powerful, authentic place. From here, we will be able to identify our other soul mates more clearly because then we truly know who we are and can better see who inspires us to be more of our truth.
I like to sing love songs to myself. I had an epiphany some time ago that I could have just as much fun singing those juicy love words passionately and joyfully to myself as I would to another. So, I would sing to the radio as I drove to work. What a great way to start the day!
Personal experiences taught me that if I really wanted another to fully accept and love me, that it had to start with me. This came after a time when I heard myself saying that I didn't want to see another couple in love or listen to another sappy love song because it was depressing and made me want to throw up! Let me tell you know that it was my own personally instilled and negative frame of mind that I chose at that time and had nothing to do with anyone else.
When I began singing songs to myself and giving myself more love, I felt anything but depressed, I felt alive, happy, confident and like an empowered woman!
Sure, it takes more than singing a song to love yourself, but it's sure a fun place to start or to add some additional joy.
Sometime later, I married Riad whom I have referred to as my soul mate in another person. However, I know that I only attracted this type of relationship with him because I was able to connect and find my soul mate within first.
Soul mate can be defined as the reunion of our lost self and found spirit. Only when we learn to love and accept ourselves are we able to receive love.
The programs at Empower The Dream are all about self love! Click here for a look.
Dream Big!
Teresa Salhi
Teresa Salhi is a personal empowerment coach and motivator. She has led several successful life development groups, including a 4 year tenure, “Getting More of What You Want With Law of Attraction.” She provides confidence and feminine empowerment programs, as well as, private coaching.
Teresa’s coaching style includes the education and personal life experience that teaches and inspires women from all mexican pharmacy online walks of life. This is done in part by implementing positive changes, embracing feminine and spiritual alignment, and eliminating self defeating behaviors. She is also a law of attraction trainer and public speaker. Teresa spent 15+ years in corporate America managing operational departments, developing successful teams in the US and abroad, handling worldwide data communication projects and nurturing million-dollar client relationships.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission from purchases made through links. I will only recommend products I have used.
Relying on your instinct is tough for most of us. Many of us develop this ability over the course of our life. Its not the sort of thing that simply just happens.