it is ....

a bold journey for a handful of sassy, ambitious, heart-centered, free-spirited, big-dreaming women
who are committed to amp up their personal power, reboot their plan & create amazing success this year!


IMAGINE WHAT YOU CAN DO when you are committed & taking responsibility,
supported by like-minded women, a fearless leader who is hell-bent
on your success, and aligning you with willpower, clarity and motivation.


It’s the year to activate your dreams.  To celebrate your growth.


It’s the year to activate your dreams.  To celebrate your growth.


Are You On Target For Creating The Big Juicy Goals You Started In January?

....or Neglected To Start but Now Ready To?

Are you ready for a success path that has less drama, overwhelm, lonliness or not enough time, money and motivation? If so, you're in the right place.   It's time to get back on track with your 2016 goals and dreams for your personal life or business.  It's time to gain the clarity your need, feel good about yourself at the end of the day, be inspired and motivated, believe in yourself again, know what to do next (AND DOING IT) with lots of team support and the right tools that gals like us get (wink).

There's no hard-ass kicking the bootay or pushing you over the edge here - in this this mid-year kinda bootcamp we do things a little

different and we get more done too.  You WILL discover the perfect way for you to reach your goals - an inspired way that natur-

ally pulls you  forward with clarity, focus, the right action and it feels good.   You'll be supported to realize the purposeful, evolu-

tionary impor-tance of your dreams, crash through the obstacles  that  have held you back, strategize a plan & celebrate your


You're ready to commit time to YOUR goals and dreams for this year
You're craving camradarie
You’re willing to work at what you want and even when it feels hard or uncomfortable
You believe that you're worthy of a joyful and meaningful life or career
You’re not willing to commit to yourself and your growth.
You don’t want to participate in group calls or have any accountability
You’re not willing to take ownership of your own actions
You consider yourself a pessimist and believe life will always be a struggle




Are you brave enough to act on your hunch?  Ready to find the guts and inspiration to face your fears and align with your power? I hope so! I’m honored and excited to be part of your journey.  I seriously and enthusiastically support you with years of experience, new perceptions, mentorship, tools and training in a safe environment that supports each and every one in her unique path.  


Maybe you got stuck in your business goals, got burned out on your career path, feel no one understands or is able to help you, lost a big important part of your life support, struggle to keep up with your body and self care, lost sight of what you are meant to be doing,  overthink or procrastinate,  need to focus on one thing and get it done verus everything and nothing gets done,  need to take responsibility of your desires or want help deciding the next step....

Can you relate, darling? . 


Women With Willpower Mid-Year Reboot Prepares You For Success in 2016 By:


  • Being An Accountable Woman with Willpower and a Plan + Feminine Role Model  + Boss Lady

  • Aligning Everything About YOU with Unshakeable Clarity + Bodacious Success

  • Claiming Your Strength + Igniting Your Will to Eliminate Obstacles, Excuses, Procrastination or Don't Know How

  • Choosing Your Path with Inspired, RIGHT Action, Improved Goal Setting + Result Celebrating


It's no secret that women today are juggling a lot. W0men make up more than half the workforce in the US and are businer than ever with parters, children, family and friends; often putting the needs of others ahead of her own. We feel overhwelmed by it all or fall short of our dreams and goals. We often become our own worst critic and even let go of our dreams altogether.

That's where Women With Willpower comes in.Your mid-year reboot, with a dose of inspiration, motivation, and willpower.  Yes, this is our 3rd Annual Women with Willpower Bootcamp and


this 3rd annual bootcamp is hosted by  Teresa Salhi 

Teresa is professional coach, teacher, and certified law of attraction trainer.  She was successful in corporate management for over 15 years with teams and clients worldwide.  She is passionate about helping women close the gap from where they are to where they really want to be. She is the founder of Empower The Dream; a positive corner of the Internet that provides women resources, inspiration and useful strategies to prioritize heartfelt dreams in their personal lives or purposeful careers.     

She received formal coaching education and training by world-class leaders of Omega and Southwest Healing Arts Insitute.  As well as, advanced education through Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit Leadership Programs, Ryan Eliason's Visionary Leaders and Business Mastery Programs,  The Matrix by Mike Dooley's, Law of Attraction Certified Training and Coaching by Michael Losier,  Breaking Free Intensives and Compassionate Sales by David Neagle, Feminine Power Programs by Claire Zammit, Coaching Millions by Milana Leshinky and a multitude on online business and marketing courses with Forbes recognized leader, Sandi name a few.

Teresa has also written and developed over 10 online educational programs, serving an alumni of women worldwide. She has consulted over 3,000 hours in the past seven years with classes, training programs, private practice and self created networking forums; helping groups and clients design and launch the lives and businesses they love. With over 18 years of dedicated personal study and development in the fields spirituality, philosophy, energy healing, NLP,  hypnosis and quantum dynamics,  she is soulfully engaged in the education of human behavior.             




  • "I felt supported stepping into my dream, out of my comfort zone, and into the great unknown.  I know Teresa cares. She is wise, kind, savvy, and understands the world and its intricate workings on a very deep level."
  • "Teresa, has been instrumental in guiding me through my inner self to discover my true being with confidence and new found success in career and relationships."
  • "In the first month alone, I  accomplished countless goals I've been dreaming of for years."
  • "I can't even begin to express how much Teresa helped to guide, coach and encourage me. She not only helped me get over fears and obstacles, but she led me to discover my true passion and start a new business. This is by far, one of the best investments I have ever made."



Bootcamp Details

6 Powerful Bootcamp Sessions!

Weekly  via Phone Conference &r Video Access

Accountibility Partners

Lesson Content and Homework Takeaway

Learn from Coach AND from other Participants

Personalized Plan

+ includes one preliminary prep call

Plus the Following Bonus Items:

 Guest Speaker and Gift -  Health & Wellness Expert

Payment Plan Option 

$88.50 billed in 2 payments for total of $177

Single Payment Option

$157 with one payment



Bootcamp starts early July 2016 on Sunday's, late afternoon.

 Special Offer - if you invite a friend, you will get re-imbursed $20.  You must sign up and pay.  Advise of friend who signed up on your invite and you will receive reimbursement once they have paid. Paying it forward pays...:)

PLEASE READ!  Once payment is made you will be re-directed to add your email infoPLEASE DO THIS  so we can send the program info to your email.  If you have any questions or to register your co-participant, please send to


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