CONGRATULATIONS to saying YES to YOU and your desire to being a Lady Boss Voice of Truth.



You answered the question "What is the #myladybosslife you are most wanting to create now?"


You are well on your way just by the mere fact you have this desire and it is already in your upcoming reality, cheers to you, darling! 

Being a Lady Boss Voice of Truth

Being a called from your own spirit to share a message and what you want others to hear from you....and whatever else that means to you.

The biggest indicator of a woman deserving of the title of being a #ladyboss voice of truth is that she  can no longer pretend to be comfortable with keeping her voice silenced.  Comfort has grown into discomfort and playing small is over.

Because she also feels she is meant for bigger things - sometimes this looks like bigger stages, bigger platforms or bigger venues - because you know it is part of your destiny.

For you, this sometimes can look like allowing yourself to be heard regardless of being fearful in front of others
Or speaking truth of your past that leads toward healing.
Or sharing a story that humanizes us back to real relationships again.
Or shining a light on a your own pretense.
Or being a messenger of one who cannot - the isolated, the lonely or the one denied inclusiveness.

The best thing about being a Lady Boss Voice of Truth is that YOU get to decide how your message is heard, and you avoid  spouting untruths, victimization or drama. 
You are cheering loudly and wildly...for yourself and for others. You cannot serve the world by playing small. So yell your achievements loudly, take huge risks and tell us about them...we'll be there cheering right alongside you.

Note: There is nothing more powerful than a Lady Boss who owns her voice and truth. What is for sure about a Lady Boss - ONE THING and that is saying YES, to saying NO, to hearing her voice within so she can allow others to hear her out there.

That's all I'm asking of you: commit to your mission and share your messenger where it needs to be heard. 


Dream Big!
Ladies, You know yourself that the best opportunities doesn't last forever. "Now what am I to do"? you ask. I just want you to stop doubting yourself you are as powerful as you want to be! 

It shouldn't be this hard to Change Your Life for the Better ...
Let's Turn Your Vision into Reality  
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