Empower the Dream presents...

Raise Your Glass!

Celebrate. Innovate. Radiate. 

FREE Sisterhood Webinar

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Uncovering Your True Success & Launching the Next Level of You

  • Celebrate your accomplishments (even if you didn't do all you wanted)
  • Innovate challenges or perceived failures, into higher life potentials
  • Discover 5 life-enriching secrets savvy women know to avoid overwhelm
  • Release what no longer serves your deepest feminine-empowered dreams
  • Expand confidence to create bigger wins
  • Tap into your personal vision - we mean deeper - and life from within IT


Once registered, you will receive a fun exercise (prior to our call date) to begin the celebration process so you can get the most out of call and to carry into your New Year.   

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Your Host

Teresa Salhi

I’m passionate about health, wellness, and entrepreneurship. I also know that good health doesn’t come in a pill. I believe in a holistic approach to health that includes being positive and keeping a good mindset, eating a balanced diet, exercising, and nourishing your body with supplements that are difficult to get in today’s nutrient deficient food. - See more at: http://www.lookandbeyouthful.com/meet-audrey/#sthash.KhlyKSHq.dpuf

Teresa is the founder of Empower The Dream; a positive corner of the internet providing women resources, inspiration and useful strategies to prioritize their heartfelt dreams in their personal lives and careers. 

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