CONGRATULATIONS to saying YES to YOU and your desire to being a Lady Boss of Love!​​​​​​​


You are well on your way just by the mere fact you have this desire and it is already in your upcoming reality. Cheers to you, darling! 

Being a Lady Boss of Love  


Being a shining star to other amazing Wordly beings... and all things beautiful and bright. 

The biggest indicator of a woman deserving of the title of being a Lady Boss of Love is that she oozes compassion and understanding. She is able to give and receive love unconditionally - at least most of the time.

Because she looks at the world thru a lense of good, she sees another's deeper story in their eyes, their posture and their expressions. 
Or she offers her mate a soft place to land at the end of the day
Or she's driving an hour to secretly drop off a gift for a stranger when she could be chillaxing
Or it can be an awakening of her own passions and deserve-ability
Or it can be her taking the higher road when all the easier roads lead to drama 


Yes, being a conduit of love can be less than lovely at times. 

Oftentimes, there is a gap between what you feel inside and what you are witnessing in the world.  Sometimes people, situations, messages and all outside of you hurts you and all you really want to do is run. But is it also in these moments that your strength, purpose and divine intervention takes over and allows you to be the light for others.
The best thing about being a Lady Boss of Love is you naturally make the world a better place with your presence and energy.  



Note: There is nothing more powerful than a Lady Boss who is a vessel of love and light.  What is for sure about a Lady Boss - ONE THING and that is saying YES, to saying NO, to allowing love in and within so she continues to pour it out.

 That's all I'm asking of you: commit to your mission and share your love where it is needed.   

Dream Big!
Teresa Salhi

So, What's Next?


#MYLADYBOSSLIFE is a Monthly Online Class 

For Women Who Are Ready for Her Future-Self Immersion into Her Own Lady Boss Life

…by taking her feminine power back; releasing fear, doubt or being stuck;  finding clarity, upleveling confidence and committing to a life on her terms  

Introductory Rate Only $1 

If You Haven't Already Done So, Save a Seat On the Waitlist to Be Notified of the Start Date + Details

no obligation or payment required now

Coming April 2017 

Enter Your Name and Email Below


It IS Possible to Live Life to Your Fullest Potential as an Empowered Woman 
Let's Turn Your Vision and Dreams into Reality
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