FINALLY! It's Here.  A FREE Class For Successful Women Wanting To Attract Her Soulmate.  It is Free But Seats Are Limited. 

How To Authentically Attract Your SOULMATE (a one woman, quality man) Into YOUR Life ...and KEEP him Forever 


You're IN! 

  • Keep an eye on your inbox for the details and join link.


  • You can also join my Facebook Group Here.  Power OF She - Relationship + Soulmate.

I work with strong, talented women to attract & keep her soulmate through magnetic feminine & masculine dynamics + real life, proven methods

You're Reserved for this Masterclass


Discover The 

6 Shifts To Attract Your Soulmate


Your Host 

Teresa Salhi 

 Feminine Genius + Love Coach  

Here's What You'll Discover: 

  • How to be more feminine & DEMASCULINIZE due to unconsciously being masculinized by career mode, superwoman syndrome, overachieving & society push on women so you can now avoid more competing with or REPELLING men.


  • How to ATTRACT and KEEP love and chemistry alive & sustain a long lasting relationship with polarity, resonance & connection AWAKENING.  


  • How to ALIGN with the receiving magic of your Feminine Genius embodiment & scientific + spiritual LAWS of love that go beyond vision boards or affirmations, so you MANIFEST from your grounded love resource.   


  • How to MASTER your subconcious mind so you release hidden triggers, emotional baggage or belief limitations around fear or rejection so you CREATE a future of limitless love with your soulmate.  


  • How to LIVE LIFE THROUGH your FEMININE GENIUS LOVE MAP so you know exactly what to do, who to be authentically & what is truly possible for you in your SOULMATE co-existing future.


  • How to DECODE the hearts & minds of men so you KNOW what supports him & what he secretly wants in a relationship so you have more confidence in your dating life & beyond with "the one."  

 You're reading it right...

FREE TRAINING that will show you how to attract your soulmate AND keep him through the AWAKENED LOVE EXPERIENCE. 

You'll have access through this exclusive LIVE training absolutely FREE.  So, let's get to the root of your love attraction that is rarely taught on how to be in your Feminine Genius zone and how to let love in now and forevermore.     

See you soon!! Teresa


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