Brand New Training


Stop Doubting Your Greatness & Start Living an Awesome Life

"What the Modern Day Woman Should Know -  the New Revolution is the Evolution of Herself"


 Experience the Divine Truths of Your Highest Potential, Transform Desired Life & Business Goals Into Consistent Success & Make A Bigger Impact

for entrepreneurs, career women, divorced, single moms or any woman stuggling to create a meaningful life or business


Music video featuring Demi Lovato - "Confident" is for entertaiment purposes only and not afilliated in any way.

Coming Soon!

Hold Your Seat Now!


There's a Reason Why Success Feels Hard Even When You're Taking Action & Doing Your Best

And regardless of how hard you work at it, you cannot to get where you really want to be.... 

Are you are experiencing one of more of the following?

Do you....

  • ...want more from your life but something is holding you back from achieving it?
  • ...have difficulty with important life decisions or feel you have limited choices?
  • ...feel as if you are not expressing yourself effectively as you would like?
  • ...struggle with attaining the number of clients or success you desire?
  • ...feel disconnected from your feminine side or personal power?
  • ...get overlooked for promotions, raises or accessing true abundance?
  • ...have history of too many painful disappointments in romantic relationships?
  • ...have self-loathing, dislike your looks or say negative things about yourself?
  • a slave-girl type life, suffer from energy crisis or do more for others than for yourself?
  • ...notice a disconnection from others or have fewer invites?
  • ...diminish praise, compare yourself unfavorably to others or say your sorry...a lot?
  • ...wish you were healthier, happier or living another life?
  • ...want to make a bigger difference in the world but don't know how?


Any of these could be blocking your success & holding you back from getting what you deeply desire & deserve




You know the feeling.

It starts off as a slight disappointment. Then it’s a feeling of desperation. It turns quickly into self loathing or doubt and soon you are drained of excitement.  That’s how dreams, especially those big juicy ones, die.  A sign of negative triggers running your life.

The reason this happens is because…your subconscious mind is resisting, you have erroneously learned habits that are not congruent to your higher self and the ego mind thinks it is keeping you 'safe' by keeping you in a limiting comfort zone.  None of this is your fault.

Some say you have to JUST DO IT as the only real way to succeed.  And although there is a great deal of benefit to 'doing it' and taking outside action - it is not necessarily the first step.  There is a hugely rewarding and powerful process you can learn BEFORE taking the right outward action.  And by doing so, you avoid the long road, avoid more negative setbacks or hanging on to patterns that diminish your results.

(Also, there is more to the science of law of attraction than you may have heard.  It's time to connnect all the dots that lead you into your true power as a confident and successful woman.)




Improve results immediately by programming yourself for success FIRST

Even if you've had some success, some confidence in some areas does not guarantee you will in all areas, especially if you've been getting little results, feeling doubtful, or an resistance - including a low-grade anxiety overcoming you. 

It's time to implement new life success triggers and life commanding scripts that will launch you forward in the area that causes you the most pain and struggle - once and for all. 



  • Intentionally Program Your Brain for Success & Avoid Wasting More Precious Life 
  • Engage 4 Empowering Techniques that Successful Women Do Everyday
  • Easily Tap Into 2 Mind-Body Processes that Give You Absolute Confidence
  • Replace Procrastination, Fear & Doubt with Excitement, Motivation & Unshakeable Belief
  • Have Dynamic Presence, Walk Into any Room With Your Head High &  Speak Your Message Confidently
  • Enjoy Making the 'Right' Next Decisions with Ease
  • Demonstrate Empowered Leadership Skills that Inspires Others
  • Attract Positive, Loving Relationships & New Life Adventures
  • Confidently Ask for the Sale, Apply for the Job & Achieve Important Career Goals
  • Improve Health, Get Fit & Embody Overall Peace & Wellness
  • Know Exactly What To Do Everyday that Sets You Up for Your Life Magic
  • Eliminate Stress & Doubt, Love Yourself & Believe in New Possibilities
  • ........and Live the Life You Want while Exuding Exceptional Value & Purpose



Imagine a life where you wake up each day with a smile on your face and truly loving your life as a confident, fearless woman going for her dreams. 

Imagine feeling really proud of your amazing accomplishments; in-love with your body and brains; excited to face each day with energy and zest, experiencing happiness with your sexy partner, friends and family.... plus have time to give to others because you know you are here to make a bigger difference in the World!

Yes, this is the new you..... 

Confident Woman a brand new course by    Teresa Salhi 

Teresa is professional coach, teacher, and certified law of attraction trainer.  She was successful in corporate management for over 15 years with teams and clients worldwide.  She is passionate about helping women close the gap from where they are to where they really want to be. She is the founder of Empower The Dream; a positive corner of the Internet that provides women much needed resources, inspiration and useful strategies to prioritize heartfelt dreams in their personal lives or purposeful careers.            




Live Your Best Life & Unlock the Magic Within


Module 1 - Commit To You


Module 2 - Ground Your Being & Free Your Past


Module 3 - Claim Your Feminine Power & Ignite Your Will


Module 4 - Choose Your Path & Take the RIGHT Action


 The only way to make a change in your life is to start. There isn’t a “right time” to start living the life you want. You’ll be waiting forever if you wait for the “right time.” You must start right now.

You can have the life you truly desire when you rid yourself of limitations to your highest potential.  With this course you will embody the authentic, confident woman you are meant to be.  You will jump start a new life that paves the way toward your dreams.  You become your best teacher.  Raise the bar for yourself and others.  Create a successful lifestyle, career, long-lasting love and more…

It's time to understand the science behind the human mind and artfully engage with your soul to reach your full potential while making your dreams a reality. 


  • "I felt supported stepping into my dream, out of my comfort zone, and into the great unknown.  I know Teresa cares. She is wise, kind, savvy, and understands the world and its intricate workings on a very deep level."
  • "Teresa, has been instrumental in guiding me through my inner self to discover my true being with confidence and new found success in career and relationships."
  • "In the first month alone, I  accomplished countless goals I've been dreaming of for years."
  • "I can't even begin to express how much Teresa helped to guide, coach and encourage me. She not only helped me get over fears and obstacles, but she led me to discover my true passion and start a new business. This is by far, one of the best investments I have ever made."



Course Details

Complete 4 Module Course CONFIDENT WOMAN

Video Trainings for Each Module

Printable Lessons for Each Module

Guided Success Audios /Meditation for Each Module

Money back guarantee so you can join now at no risk*


Plus the Following Bonus Items:

25 Ways to Increase Your Confidence, The Secrets to Making the Law of Attraction Finally Work for You - Digital Book

Feminine Fire, Ignite the Passion Within - Class Recording



Plus more suprise bonuses and guest speakers to be revealed....

Payment Plan Option

$68.50 billed in 2 payments for total of $137

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Single Payment Option

$127 with one payment

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Hold Your Seat Today for ONLY $49

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer

+ $49 due later = $98

This offer ends after pre-launch, join now for lowest price

Course begins May 2016

Once payment is made you will be directed to a form to add your email info.  Please remember to do this so we can send the program info to your email.  If you have any questions or to register your co-participant, please send to

*Money back guarantee offered within 5 days of program start

We proudly support Women for Women Int'l and Girl Rising


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